
Konversation 1.0.1 has been released!2006-06-10

Changes in 1.0.1: Read full announcement

Konversation 0.19 has been released!2006-01-30

We are extremely pleased to announce the immediate release of Konversation 0.19. The focus of this release is on extending and improving upon established functionality. Most notable in this regard... Read full announcement

Konversation 0.18 has been released!2005-07-06

Changes in 0.18: All nicks were blue when colored nicks are disabled with some setups Cycle now works as expected Gauge script was not working correctly when given an argument... Read full announcement

Konversation 0.17 has been released!2005-07-04

Changes in 0.17: Read full announcement

Konversation 1.4 has been released! (December 4th, 2011)2005-03-24

The dominant theme in Konversation v1.4 is improvements and feature additions to the user interface, particularly to text views, dialogs, (context) menus and input line commands. However, nearly all areas... Read full announcement